Friday, September 27, 2013

Calvin Brown–Frank Bullock Barn, ~1890

Lower Waterford Road, English barn, access by request to owner, brick foundation, post and beam frame with barn board siding, gable roof of wood with corrugated metal, about 80 by 30, entry on eaves side.

Foundation is concrete piers. Sugarhouse on this property was moved from Henry Davison farm up the road behind current home of Clayt Bullock.

Noted by Dave Morrison and Helen Chantal Pike: Earliest known owner was Calvin Brown, brother to Claude or Claudius. Darham cows. Brown sold to "Luce" Freeman who sold to Fred C. Bullock, barn designer. Fred's grandson Fred Bullock filled in around the barn on the river side so customers could drive their vehicles in for service. His cousin Jerry (Gerald) kept farm equipment in the other half of the barn.

Town history, p. 83: Calvin Brown, son of Daniel, was born in Waterford in 1810. He married Susan Miles, daughter of Dr. Abner Miles. ... He reared seven children. [Their daughter] Diantha married Lorenzo Freeman and lived on the home place.

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